Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Christian Sweet16

Christians have the gift of taking something secular and transforming it into something sacred.  A Sweet 16 can be one of those moments.  Teens rely upon moments of Grace when they are faced with difficult moments and by creating a Sacred Sweet 16, you can give your daughter that moment that lasts a lifetime.

A Sweet 16 is an event that gathers family and friends around to love and support the teen in time of transition.  The heart of the Sweet 16 is what I refer to as the  “Traditional Formalities.”  It is what transforms a party with teenagers into a life giving experience.
The Traditional Formalities are as follows:
  • ·      Pre-Event Affirmation
  • ·      Grand Entrance
  • ·      Father-Daughter Dance
  • ·      Candle Lighting

Pre-Event Affirmations:  The guests arrive approximately 30-45 minutes before the guest of honor arrives.  A message board or the chalkboard is setup near the entrance.  The guests are given an opportunity to write a positive message.   The affirmation board/chalkboard is removed before the Guest of Honor arrives and she reads the affirmation after her last guests has left

Grand Entrance: The Guest of Honor arrives with the applause of her friends.  Two single line are formed with the girl walking down the  center.  Her friends cheer her on as she makes her Grand Entrance.

It communicates to the guest of honor that she has the love and support of her family and friends.  The guests welcome the guests of honor as she enters the room.  The teen years are difficult.  It is essential for young women to know that she has the love and support of her family/friends. 

Father/Daughter Dance:  Some relationships between the Father and Daughter can become a little strained.  The Father/Daughter dance is a great opportunity for them to work together to create something beautiful.  The dance is performed for all their family and friends.   It is important for a girl to know that she has the love and support of her father.  It is important to remember, we are talking about the Father figure in the girls’ life.  This can be her biological father, but it could also be a Step Father, an Uncle, or a Grand Father. 

Sixteen Candles:  A Christian needs to have a heart of gratitude.  She/he acknowledges that they got where they are with the help and guidance of family and friends.  The candle lighting experience where the Guest of Honor publically acknowledge those who have been there for her.  The formality incudes her taking 16 candles and as she lights each candle, she acknowledges a person, (Family/friends)  who have been there to support her.

 High Energy Ending:  The event ends with a high-energy dance.  Then the guest of Honor thanks her guests for coming.  There might be a thank you gift for attending. 

 A Sweet 16 is an intentional event to promote Christian values.  It  is accomplishes through the community supporting the teen through the transitional moment.  She has the opportunity to dance with her father and to acknowledge the people who have helped her on her journey.  It is the gathering of the community in the name of Jesus to support her.

“Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words”
 St. Francis of Assisi.

 Are you interested in a different kind of Sweet 16.  Contact Jeremy at 480-334-7757 or

Jeremy Stafford is the Entertainment Expert in teens.  He has served 12 year in youth ministry. He is the owner of 1st Dance Entertainment and Phoenix Sweet 16 DJ.   He can be reached at jstafford@1stdanceentertainment.com

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