Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sweet16 Candle lighting ceremony-- why its important.

Sweet 16 - Candle Light Ceremony:  What is it?

A candle light ceremony is where a teen names 16 different people who have an inspiration to her.  These are important people to the birthday girl.  Each time the birthday girl lights a candle, she names the person and say a quick reason why.  This usually ends up a being a mix of family and friends.  The person can be living or deceased.  

Sweet 16 - Candle Lighting Ceremony:   Why have it!

I remember growing up having my mother aways say to count your blessings.  It is important to say thank you, to  show your gratitude for the gifts you have received.  The ceremony is a great opportunity for the Birthday Girl to do just that. I believe without the opportunity for a person to show their appreciation it runs the danger of becoming self centered.

Sweet 16 - Candle Lighting Ceremony:  When should it take place!

The ceremony is a response to the love and support from the family I recommend having it take place after the Pre-Event Affirmations, Grand Entrance, and Father/Daughter Dance.  The main reason is that the ceremony is a way for the birthday girl to express her gratitude and it is best to express it after receiving the gifts.  Traditionally this event takes place before everyone is served cake.

Sweet16 - Candle Lighting Ceremony:  Tip

This event is very meaningful for girls but it can be difficult to come up with all 16 people.  So try a couple of tips:
1.  Start early!   Do not wait till the last minute
2.  Get 16 notecards  and number them 1 -16
3.  Write on the front of the card the name of the person 
4.  Write on the back 1-2 sentences about what you appreciate about them.
5.  Start with your family and then move to family friends and finally friends. 
6.  If you forget to name a person at your party, write a short thank you note and mail it to them. 

photo credit: k.landerholm via photopin cc

Phoenix Sweet 16 DJ is owned and operated by 1st Dance Entertainment.

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